Most people don't wake up one morning and decide to place their physical and mental health at the top of their to-do list. Normally some form of catalyst occurs that kicks people into a new health regime which becomes a way of life.
Sometimes it's trauma: recovering from an injury or illness, or focusing energy into something new after an emotional break-up, loss, or other life incident. Sometimes it's a positive motivation: a holiday coming up, a milestone birthday, a wedding, maybe all three. Or for some people, it's looking down at the scales or into the mirror and seeing someone they don't recognise.
As much as I dislike the #sweatingforthewedding hashtag, I have to be honest and say that our September wedding next year is a big motivator for me to get up off my butt, stop watching Sherlock reruns, and do something productive. I was going to yoga twice a week, going for the odd jog, and that was about it.
Then I had an accident on holiday in picturesque Austria a few months ago, and something inside me snapped. I'd had enough of being the girl who falls over her own shadow, and is always covered in bruises or injured in some minor way. I'd had enough of the inside of hospital rooms - two broken wrists and one ankle injury in two years means you get quite familiar with the doctors, nurses and crappy magazines at the fracture clinic.
I decided that putting my own physical fitness first had to become a priority. While I looked and felt fine, fine wasn't enough. I wanted to be better than fine. I wanted more.
I decided that putting my own physical fitness first had to become a priority. While I looked and felt fine, fine wasn't enough. I wanted to be better than fine. I wanted more.
'Don't ever feel ashamed of your journey. One day, you'll inspire others.'
Since getting full movement back in my wrist, I've been running, working out, and going to yoga classes with a passion I haven't felt before. And as a result, my physical appearance has changed slowly but surely, but so has the feeling of control over my own body. I've signed up for a pole fitness class, which has been on my to-do list for over a year now. I signed up for a 10k, and one of my weekly goals is to beat my PB on my 5k evening runs. I'm pushing myself in yoga more than ever before and, surprise surprise, achieving more than ever before. James and I spend early weekend mornings at the gym, and celebrate with brunch in the garden afterwards.
And you know what? It feels great. It turns out that looking after your mind and body means that they look after you in return. I started a new Instagram account, mainly to document my #fitnessjourney (another cheesy hashtag, but you know I love them) and to find other inspiring women to follow and learn from (@wickedly_fit if you're an Instagrammer and want to follow).
And you know what? It feels great. It turns out that looking after your mind and body means that they look after you in return. I started a new Instagram account, mainly to document my #fitnessjourney (another cheesy hashtag, but you know I love them) and to find other inspiring women to follow and learn from (@wickedly_fit if you're an Instagrammer and want to follow).
'You're training for the best adventure yet: the next chapter in your own life.'
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