Officially kicking off #blogtober16 by being late with my first two posts, as I was far too busy gallivanting around in rainy North Wales with no wifi to log on and update. Sorry bloggers.
Day 1: Who Are You?
If you're a regular to my blog you know me pretty well already, so I could be really lazy and link a few older posts, but that would be too easy for me, too boring for you, and not really in the #blogtober16 spirit.
So, who am I? Jeez, getting up close and personal already, are we? That's a complex question. Here are the basics:
I'm Louise, I live in North Yorkshire in the UK (the BEST county, no arguing), and I'll be 30 in 6 weeks. Mum to Cocker Spaniel Logan, who keeps me laughing most days, and witchy black cat Mickey, who just wants to be cuddled from dawn til dusk. I have a BA in Business with Marketing, and have had a few different jobs over the years, including fashion retail, recruitment and tour guide at a science museum, before finding my calling in the veterinary world. I currently work as a practice manager for four rural practices in the Yorkshire Dales, and every day is different. I've been with James for just over six years, and we're planning a wedding for next September (my to-do list keeps getting longer), which both of us are unimaginably excited for. We love to spend our time and money on trips away and good food and drink.
I'm a passionate yogi and spend a lot of time and energy on my physical and mental health. Healthy body, healthy mind and all that. I'm also a keen runner, having only really started running this summer, and have a 10k coming up in a month, a sprint triathlon in April, and a half-marathon in spring. Aiming for the London marathon in 2018, and I'd love to do one of those wild ultra-marathons, but who knows? I'm a tad injury-prone, having recovered from two broken wrists in two years (cycling accident then snowboarding accident 18 months later), but it hasn't really stopped me from wanting to push my limits.
I have strong social, political and economic opinions, am a passionate feminist and socialist, and giant bookworm. Coffee-drinker, animal-lover, and bloody good cook.
I love summer more than anything, but as the nights draw in and Halloween approaches, I start to get excited for my favourite time of the whole year: CHRISTMAS! Nothing can beat mulled wine, wrapping presents next to a twinkling tree, going out for drinks wrapped in scarves and mittens, and spending time with family and friends. And, obviously, the constant supply of food and wine.
That's enough out of me. Happy Monday!