Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Running for Ages (feat. Age UK)

Let's get this out of the way quickly: I hate running. OK, hate is a strong work. I seriously, really, emphatically dislike running. I'd rather be at a pilates class, in the gym, cycling, or pretty much any other fitness activity. But it's good for me, I have a good little four-legged buddy - who only trips me up sometimes - and, whether I like it or not, it's good for clearing your head after a long day. Friends, I know some of you feel me on this one - running sucks, but we do it because it's good for us.


I've been running a lot lately. More than I'm normally comfortable with! Last week, after four 3 mile runs in four days, on Sunday night (after a lazy afternoon and a cocktail) I hit my PB on that route, and that severe dislike for running somehow started to dissipate. I actually missed going running last night and, dare I say it, am looking forward to going tomorrow night?! (We're heading for a bike ride this evening, so hopefully the sun will stay out for us because who likes riding in the rain?)

Oh look at that, I actually just made an excuse to you and myself for not going for a run. WTH. Something is changing.

I think what I'm saying is that it's OK not to like something. You don't have to like every sporty activity to be considered fit or healthy. But sometimes, trying the thing that you think you really hate can make you look at it in a very different way. I've read a lot of articles on why runners should do yoga and vice versa, and it seems like the two combine to make quite a killer fitness regime.

Plus, my abs and butt are looking better than they have in a while, so there's that!

I also did a thing. I signed up for the Abbey Dash 10k for two reasons: 1) because Age UK is a charity and cause close to my heart, and 2) because it's a good reason to challenge myself and push myself to really grab this running thing by the horns and have a pop at it.

Interested in supporting me and Age UK? You can donate right here:

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